Global Pride Network

Magdalena Mijas

Jagiellonian University, Poland

Main Research Areas: 

LGBTQ+ health, stigma and health, sexual health


Magdalena Mijas is a psychologist specializing in the fields of LGBTQ and health psychology. She is currently pursuing her PhD in the field of health sciences from Jagiellonian University Medical College. Her research focuses on minority stress, stigma and health inequalities among LGBTQ populations. She is also involved in LGBTQ rights activism in Poland and works as a counsellor supporting members of LGBTQ community in Krakow, Poland.

Selected Works:

Grabski, B., Mijas, M., Dora, M., Iniewicz, G. (2020). Gender dysphoria and gender incongruence. Compendium for practitioners. [in Polish]. Warsaw, Poland: PZWL.

Mijas, M., Koziara, K., Galbarczyk, A., Jasienska, G. (2020). Chubby, Hairy and Fearless. Subcultural Identities and Predictors of Self-Esteem in a Sample of Polish Members of Bear Community. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(12), 4439.

Morison, T., Macleod, C., Lynch, I., Mijas, M., Shivakumar, S. T. (2015). Stigma Resistance in Online Childfree Communities. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 40(2), 184–198.