Explore reports, publications, fact sheets, and other educational resources and discoveries from across the Goldsen Institute.


Oregon LGBTQ+ Older Adult Report (2020)

Washington State LGBTQ+ Equity and Health Report (2021)

The Aging and Health Report (2011)

Recent Publications

In press

LGBTQ+ aging: Social relationships, support and well-being

Aging with Pride: Innovations in Dementia Empowerment and Action (IDEA)

Blueprint for future research advancing the study of sexuality, gender, and equity in later life: Lessons learned from Aging With Pride, The National Health, Aging, and Sexuality/Gender Study

Recent Presentations


Health inequities & resilience: Findings from Wellness with Pride


Findings from IDEA Café, the first pilot intervention for sexual and gender minority older adults living with dementia with no care partner


The virtual adaptations of Innovations in Dementia Empowerment and Action – IDEA

Fact Sheets

Exploring the history impacting three generations of bisexual adults in the U.S.

Key competencies for healthcare providers working with sexual and gender diverse older adults with cognitive impairment.

Understanding the unique experiences of sexual and gender diverse Oregonians as they grow in age and diversity.

AgePRIDE Resources

AgePRIDE LGBTQ+ Resource Guide

Words Matter: LGBTQ+ Glossary
